Planning + Design

We are a full service design-build collaborative, executing projects from concept through construction. We work across scales, from residential to public and commercial projects to create resilient, nature-based landscapes of lasting significance that will serve generations to come.


environmental planning

We collaborate with clients and communities to develop strategies for ongoing, sustainable management and stewardship of resources including land, water, forests and soil. From site to watershed-scale analysis, our holistic approach informs both short and long-term goal setting. We develop Water Management Plans for individual sites, cities, and watersheds that include: 

  • Onsite Water Budget 

  • Cost Benefit Analysis and Return on Investment 

  • Instream Flow + Multiple Benefit Contribution Analysis 

  • GIS Mapping and GIS-Based Dashboards 

comprehensive resilience plans

Our Comprehensive Resilience Plan is a living document that serves as a framework to organize and coordinate a timeline with cost estimates, funding source options, implementation requirements, design plans, and maintenance and monitoring plans. We provide success stories, project examples, opportunities for the project sites and prioritizing of strategies through multiple phases. This framework is a communication tool that can be used to leverage future funding, addressing emerging risks and incorporating new innovations, and includes: 

  • Grant + Financial Assistance Planning, Administration, + Aquisition 

  • Fundraising Portfolios that Demonstrate Project Impacts 

  • Quantification of Objects + Multiple Benefits 

holistic design

Our regenerative site design focuses on nature-based, integrated  solutions. We consider not just your  goals, but also the natural systems of the site and its role within the larger watershed. Our design services include: 

  • Landscape Design and Planting 

  • Native and Climate Appropriate Planting 

  • Edible, permaculture, and food forest gardens 

  • Turf Transformation 

  • Irrigation Services 

  • Irrigation Audits 

  • Water-Efficient Irrigation System Design and Construction  

  • Soil Building, Healthy Soil Restoration 

  • Stormwater Management and Flood Prevention 

  • Stormwater BMPs and Low Impact Design (LID) 

  • Rain Gardens + Bioswales 

  • Groundwater Recharge 

  • Water Recycling and Reuse 

  • Rainwater Harvesting 

  • Greywater Reuse – Laundry to Landscape and whole-house 

  • On-site wastewater treatment 

  • Living Water Features 

  • Constructed Wetlands 

  • Regenerative Farm + Orchard Design