City of Ojai Comparative Analysis

City of Ojai Catalog of Projects

for Water Conservation & Recharge

Ojai, CA  |  Analysis

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About the Catalog of Projects

The City of Ojai contracted Watershed Progressive to quantify the City’s local water demand and recharge potential and develop a Catalog of Projects aimed at optimizing the City’s water use once funded and implemented.

Key phases to this project speak to WP’s process for comparative analyses: Phase 1 provided visioning and spatial analysis to show how the City, its residents and businesses are using water, and also identified opportunities to reuse and conserve water. Phase 2 explores climate scenarios and identifies and prioritizes projects that the City and partners within its Sphere of Influence (SOI) should consider implementing. Phase 3 develops the details of prioritized projects and the Catalog of Projects.

The Comparative Analysis project provides quantitative results for each parcel within the SOI of Ojai City, the current contract with the City does not include developing project plans beyond the conceptual phase. A grant from the California Wildife Conservation Board has been awarded to further this effort and includes preparation of implementation ready plans (100% engineering designs and permits) for a subset of neighborhood-scale projects identified during the Comparative Analysis. This project has provided focus for crucial participation in Ventura River Watershed management collaboration, monitoring, and additional integrated strategy generation.